Planning Your Legacy

family around table

You want to make sure the people you treasure are taken care of. It’s kind of the definition of love, isn’t it? We’ll help you develop a plan that’s simple and easy to follow for those who will carry on the family name—and all those quirky traditions you started.

family around table
Man and boy fishing

Family Is Forever.

Make Plans That Last.

Man and boy fishing

We know that every family’s needs are different. Our estate planning specialists will work with your other advisors to figure out the best way to leave your family a legacy.

Let’s talk about Investment Services.

Gorham Financial Group brings you experienced investment advice that always puts you and your goals first.

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Planning for Retirement

Soon it will be time to perfect your golf game and travel the world—or stay at home and spoil your grandkids.

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Buying a Home

We’ve got mortgage solutions to suit everyone, from first-time buyers to refinancers.

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Buying a Car

Whether it’s a zippy convertible, a new work truck or the RV you’ll use for your epic cross-country journey, we know you’re eager to hit the road.

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Switching Is Easy

In the past, switching banks was a pain. But now, ClickSWITCH makes it super easy.
