Moving To Maine

woman hiking on ridge

We may be biased, but we think Vacationland is a great place to live. Rocky coast? Check. Lively cities? Check. Tech-savvy local bank? Double check. We have a feeling you’re going to like it here.

woman hiking on ridge
Old Port Maine

We Make Moving Easy,

So You Can Make Yourself At Home.

Old Port Maine

Moving is hard work. In fact, your to-do list is probably a mile long. We can help you check a few things off that list, including “switch to a great local bank.” We make it so simple that it just might be the easiest thing you do today.

Let’s talk about ClickSWITCH.

ClickSWITCH makes changing banks easy. We can transfer all your direct deposits and recurring payments in less than ten minutes.

Buying a Homedropdown icon


Buying a Home

We’ve got mortgage solutions to suit everyone, from first-time buyers to refinancers.

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Starting a New Jobdropdown icon


Starting a New Job

You’re embarking on a new adventure, and that’s cause for celebration.

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Planning a Vacationdropdown icon


Planning a Vacation

Have you been dreaming about a full week with your toes in the sand?

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Switching Is Easy

In the past, switching banks was a pain. But now, ClickSWITCH makes it super easy.
