
Financial Wellness

Wherever you are in life, whether you want to get started with a simple budget or set up a manageable plan for paying off debt, our Financial Wellness Coach, Lesley is your resource for all things money management. Get started with the resources below or reach out to Lesley directly.

Ask Lesley


Your Credit Score

Credit influences many of the financial steps we take in life, but what is it? Lesley explains credit and the factors that impact your score. Do you know where you stand? Get tips for how to build or improve your credit score, no matter where you start.

More from Lesley:

"Think of your credit score as your financial report card. Credit will build but used irresponsibly it will damage your score much faster."
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Personal Finance Tool
Stay on top of your finances with our money management and budgeting tool. With smart expense tracking, and mobile access, you can manage your finances with ease, from anywhere.
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Round It Up
Round It Up makes saving automatic by rounding debit card transactions to the nearest dollar. The aggregate amount is transferred from your checking account to a designated savings account the next day.
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Lesley Warn, Financial Wellness Coach is available to chat about all things money management. Complete this short form and Lesley will get in touch.