
Credit Insights

Credit Insights Screenshot on Mobile Phone

View your credit score and credit report by logging in to the GSB Mobile App. Track and improve your credit score with personalized tips to guide financial decisions. Check your credit as often as you’d like without impacting your score.

  • Check your credit score
  • View your full credit report
  • Monitor credit and receive alerts
  • Discover potential fraud
  • Help prevent identity theft
  • Build better credit

Get started by clicking View Credit Score in the GSB Mobile App.

Credit Insights FAQ
Credit Insights Screenshot on Mobile Phone
Girl In Kitchen Using Credit Insights on mobile phone

Build Credit for a Strong Financial Future

Girl In Kitchen Using Credit Insights on mobile phone

Since your credit history may affect your ability to get a loan, a job, insurance, and more, it’s important to understand what your credit is and how to protect it. Credit Insights includes personalized tips to help you increase your credit score.

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We love anything that helps us give you a better banking experience. From online banking and our mobile app to ATMs, video tellers and branch services, we keep our tech top-notch.
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We work hard to earn the respect of our customers through honesty, integrity, and clarity. That means we don’t hide fees.
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Lesley Warn, Financial Wellness Coach is available to chat about all things money management. Complete this short form and Lesley will get in touch.