News & Events

Account Alerts

Account and Service alerts provide real-time updates on a variety of account activities to better manage your finances. Choose to receive email or text alerts – they’re user-friendly and help you keep track of money moving in and out of your accounts to prevent overdrafts, avoid fraud and keep a closer eye on your finances....

Budgeting for the Holiday Season

It’s a joyful time of year and we all know how easy it can be to get swept up in the festivities, but holiday spending can significantly impact your finances. Here’s five tips to help you navigate the holiday season without depleting your savings: Set a budget early. Before you start shopping, make a list with spending limits for each person....

Help Kids Form Good Lifelong Saving Habits

Back-to-school is a great time to teach kids the importance of saving. Take the opportunity to have conversations about budgeting for school supplies, or earning money from an after school job. Teach the children in your life how to save by talking about it early and often. Help kids form good lifelong saving habits. Here...

Understanding Your Credit Score

Credit influences many of the financial steps we take in life, but what is it? Lesley explains credit in this short video: Think of Your Credit Score as Your Financial Report Card Credit is your ability to borrow money or access goods and services under an agreement that you’ll pay back the entire amount in...

How To Use Credit Wisely

As you take on debt, it affects your credit, but your credit is also what allows you to take on debt. Clear as mud, right? Learn about the relationship between credit and debt with our five tips for how to use credit wisely. Lesley breaks it down in this short video: Step 1: Pick a...

How to Create a Budget That Works For You

Budgeting doesn’t need to be complicated, but it should be personalized. If you start by building a budget based on your unique needs and wants, you will be more likely to stick to it. Think about what you value most and what matters to you, then decide how every dollar you work for shapes and...

How To Pay Off Debt

The big things you want and value in life, your home, your car, maybe your dream venue for your wedding, can potentially add to your debt. Do you feel like you have been intentional about the debt you have taken on? Carefully planned debt can add value to your life as long as you are...

How To Save For An Emergency

You like to save for the things you value and enjoy, but could you support yourself if your household income was significantly reduced? An emergency savings is the foundation you need to establish before you start saving for the things you want. Establish a Safety Net and Avoid Debt Life events usually happen when you...